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Kristen Stewart reveals inspiration from Donald Trump to come out

Kristen Stewart hit back at Donald Trump during her SNL monologue, coming out as gay and discussing her relationship with Pattinson.

In February 2017, Kristen Stewart used her platform as the host of Saturday Night Live to address the then-President of the United States, who had been critical of her on social media. During her opening monologue, Stewart took a swipe at Trump, saying, "Donald, if you didn't like me then, you're probably really not going to like me now, because I'm hosting SNL and I'm, like, so gay, dude."

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Stewart revealed that her decision to come out on national television was a spontaneous one, prompted by the SNL team's suggestion to use Trump's comments in her monologue. Trump had previously accused her of cheating on her ex-boyfriend and Twilight co-star, Robert Pattinson, and encouraged him not to get back with her.

Stewart responded to Trump's tweets by saying, "He's mad at me for cheating on my boyfriend? Little does he know..." and then took the opportunity to come out as gay.

Reflecting on Trump's comments, Stewart expressed that she wasn't surprised by his reaction, stating, "Of course he had to weigh in on my tarring and feathering. It's like, 'What is this 20-year-old who has no idea about life doing to this man?' He's such a little baby... F*** you, b****!"

Trump's remarks about Stewart stemmed from a 2012 incident where she was photographed kissing Snow White And The Huntsman director Rupert Sanders while still in a relationship with Pattinson, for which she later publicly apologized.

In the interview, Stewart also expressed her frustration with the ongoing focus on her relationship with Pattinson, stating, "Rob and I can't just keep talking about that s***, because it's f***ing weird. It's like if someone kept asking you - I mean for literally decades - 'But senior year in high school?' You're like, 'F***ing A, man! I don't know!'"

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