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American Idol Fans Ecstatic Ryan Seacrest Personal News

TV host Ryan Seacrest announces new addition to his family, a yellow lab named Olio, on Live With Kelly and Mark.

During an appearance on Live With Kelly and Mark, Ryan Seacrest revealed that he and his girlfriend Aubrey Paige had welcomed a new addition to their family - a yellow labrador puppy named Olio. The TV host shared a photo of Olio alongside his other dog, Georgia, and joked about how the pet's name comes from a common item in his kitchen.

Ryan had previously shared the news of Olio joining his family on Instagram, where he posted sweet snapshots of the puppy being hugged by his nieces. Fans were thrilled to see Ryan share this heartfelt news online and expressed their excitement in the comments.

During the interview, Ryan also revealed that Georgia wasn't initially thrilled about the new addition to the family, but the two dogs have since formed a close bond. Despite the initial skepticism, fans are looking forward to seeing more of Olio in the future and are excited to see the two dogs together.

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