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Will Trent Shocker: Season 2 Premiere Exit, Ramon Rodriguez Reacts | Just Jared Celebrity News Gossip Entertainment

In the season two premiere of ABC's Will Trent, a major cast member was killed off in a shocking moment.

In a shocking turn of events, the season two premiere of ABC's Will Trent left fans completely surprised when a major cast member was killed off in the final minutes of the episode. The unexpected death of Susan Kelechi Watson's new character, Cricket Dawson, certainly caught viewers off guard.

Agent Dawson sacrificed her life to save others by grabbing a bomb and locking herself into an office with the explosive, ultimately perishing while Will had to watch. Ramon Rodriguez, who plays Will Trent and is also a producer on the show, explained the decision to kill off Dawson so quickly, emphasizing the impact it will have on Will's character and the trajectory of the show.

Susan Kelechi Watson herself discussed the emotional filming of the scene, highlighting the specific approach she took to portraying Dawson's motivation and the gravity of her decision to sacrifice herself. Despite the short-lived nature of her character, Watson expressed excitement about the lasting impact Dawson's death will have on the show and Will's character development.

The unexpected death of Cricket Dawson has left fans reeling and eager to see how it will shape the rest of the season. The decision to introduce and subsequently kill off such a significant character in one episode has certainly stirred up conversation and anticipation for what's to come in the series.

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