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Drew Barrymore reacts to surprise Wienermobile ride for her birthday

Drew Barrymore's birthday surprise of a Wienermobile ride has fans raving, with a wax figure at Madame Tussauds also in the works.

On February 22nd, Drew Barrymore celebrated her 49th birthday in the most spectacular way possible. As part of her annual segment of surprises, the talk show host was treated to an unforgettable experience that left her speechless and overjoyed. Blindfolded and led outside, she was met with the sight of the iconic Wienermobile, a 27-foot hot dog-themed vehicle that she had always dreamed of riding in.

The surprise left Barrymore in a state of disbelief, exclaiming, "This is so crazy! I was like, 'Don't tell me it's the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile." Her reaction was that of pure delight, as she fell to her knees in gratitude and excitement. Despite struggling to move in her rainbow-colored dress, she eagerly climbed into the Wienermobile, hot dog in hand, and was greeted with a vibrant interior adorned with pictures of Oscar Mayer's famous hot dogs.

To add to the excitement, Barrymore received the news that she would be immortalized with her very own wax figure at Madame Tussauds. The announcement came in a heartfelt video message from Jimmy Fallon, further adding to the joy of the occasion.

Barrymore shared the unforgettable moment on Instagram, where her fans expressed their delight and shared in her excitement. One fan even went as far as to proclaim, "Drew is my spirit animal!" The overwhelming support and love from her followers only added to the magic of the day.

In the end, Barrymore's Wienermobile birthday surprise was a symbol of joy and happiness, just like the iconic vehicle itself. It was a dream come true for her, and the outpouring of love from her fans only served to make the occasion even more special.

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