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Five Things to Look for Watching Phillies Spring Training Games

The Phillies 2024 exhibition season begins with camp battles, free agents, and injuries impacting the team. Here are 5 things to watch.

The 2024 Phillies exhibition season is set to begin, with the team facing the Toronto Blue Jays in the first of 31 Grapefruit league games in the next 31 days. Spring Training is always a time of intrigue for teams, as camp battles unfold and free agents remain unsigned. The Phillies have been impacted by injuries, with the loss of uber-prospect Andrew Painter to an elbow injury and Rhys Hoskins for the season with an ACL tear. These injuries have changed the face of the franchise, affecting decisions such as Bryce Harper moving to first base and the emergence of Cristopher Sanchez.

As the exhibition season begins, there are several key things to watch for. Centerfielder Rojas is a question mark for the Phillies, as he aims to solidify his position in the starting lineup. The team has also brought in several bargain basement pitchers to provide rotational depth, with the potential for Mick Abel to be a call-up later in the season. The Phillies are also evaluating their bullpen options, with a focus on finding a closer for the upcoming season.

The team is also looking at their bench options, with players like Whit Merrifield and David Dahl vying for spots. Merrifield's versatility and ability to play multiple positions will be a key factor in determining his role in the lineup. The final spot on the bench is up for grabs, with players like Jake Cave and Cristian Pache competing for a place on the roster.

Overall, Spring Training will provide an opportunity for the Phillies to evaluate their players and make key decisions for the upcoming season. As known entities, players like Bryce Harper, Aaron Nola, and others will be looking to improve and solidify their roles on the team.

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