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Shane Gillis jokes SNL firing, advises not to look it up

Shane Gillis jokes about his controversial SNL firing, stand-up career, and awkward monologue in SNL debut. Hilarity ensues.

Shane Gillis made his debut as the host of Saturday Night Live with a monologue that addressed his previous controversial comments and subsequent firing from the show. He joked about not being well-known and urged the audience not to look up his past. Despite the setback, Gillis has continued to pursue his comedy career, releasing stand-up specials and making appearances on popular podcasts.

During his monologue, Gillis attempted some jokes that didn't land as well as he had hoped, including a bit about his father being a volunteer girls' high school basketball coach. He also made a risky joke about his family members with Down syndrome, acknowledging that it was a close call.

Gillis admitted that he didn't have material suitable for TV and expressed his nervousness about performing on such a well-lit stage. Despite the challenges, he continued to deliver his monologue and engage with the audience, showing determination and resilience in the face of adversity.

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