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Baseball Superstar Shohei Ohtani married: HowAfrica Latest news

Japanese baseball superstar Shohei Ohtani announces marriage, expressing excitement for next chapter in life in viral Instagram post.

Japanese baseball sensation Shohei Ohtani made a big announcement on Thursday, revealing that he has tied the knot and is thrilled to embark on this new chapter of his life.

Taking to Instagram, the Los Angeles Dodgers star shared the news of his marriage, which quickly garnered an impressive 750,000 likes in just 25 minutes. Ohtani expressed his excitement about starting this new phase of his life with someone special from his homeland of Japan, while also highlighting that he recently began a new chapter in his career with the Dodgers.

"I am looking forward to what the future holds and I am grateful for all of your support," Ohtani shared in his post, which featured a heartwarming photo of his dog with its tongue playfully sticking out.

In a message written in Japanese, Ohtani expressed his gratitude for the continued support from fans, emphasizing that he and his wife are still growing and learning together, and that they appreciate the kindness and encouragement from their supporters.

Known as "Sho-Time" for his exceptional pitching and hitting skills, Ohtani has captured the hearts of fans both in Japan and abroad. His recent move to the Dodgers in December, with a record-breaking $700 million 10-year contract, solidified his status as one of the highest-paid athletes in North American sports history.

After weeks of speculation, Ohtani's decision to join the Dodgers was met with great anticipation. He made his preseason debut with the team on Tuesday, hitting a home run in their victory over the Chicago White Sox.

Ohtani's departure from the Los Angeles Angels last year came after a disappointing season that saw the team miss the MLB playoffs. However, he ended the year on a high note by helping Japan secure victory in the World Baseball Classic.

As Ohtani embarks on this new journey in his personal and professional life, fans can expect nothing but excellence and excitement from the talented superstar.

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