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JJ Redick warns against underestimating Phoenix Suns in the playoffs: Look at lineup data

Phoenix Suns are being overlooked in the NBA playoffs race despite strong lineup data and betting odds to win the West.

As the NBA Playoffs approach, the Phoenix Suns find themselves in a precarious position in the Western Conference standings. Currently sitting in sixth place, just one game behind the New Orleans Pelicans and one game ahead of the Sacramento Kings, the Suns are in the midst of a tightly contested playoff race.

While teams like the Minnesota Timberwolves, OKC Thunder, and Denver Nuggets have garnered attention for their strong play and positioning at the top of the conference, JJ Redick believes the Suns should not be overlooked. Redick pointed out that the Suns have been successful when their key players are healthy, showcasing their ability to outscore opponents by more than ten points per 100 possessions in certain lineups.

Despite facing injuries that have kept stars like Kevin Durant, Devin Booker, and Bradley Beal off the court for significant stretches of the season, the Suns remain a formidable team in the West. The success of the team, much like the LA Clippers in the past, hinges on the health of their key players for a deep playoff run.

In terms of betting odds, the Phoenix Suns are currently in fourth place on FanDuel to win the Western Conference, behind the Denver Nuggets, LA Clippers, and OKC Thunder. With odds of +850, the Suns are considered to be a strong contender in a closely contested race for the conference title.

As the playoffs draw near, the Suns have the potential to make a significant impact and should not be underestimated in their pursuit of a championship.

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