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Trevor Bauer faces Dodgers Minor Leaguers in latest start

Former MLB pitcher Trevor Bauer impresses in tryout game against Los Angeles Dodgers, showcasing elite pitching skills and confidence. #BringBackBauer

Over the weekend, Trevor Bauer made his return to pitching against professional hitters in the United States after nearly three years. This outing coincidentally happened to be against his former team, the Los Angeles Dodgers. Bauer took the mound for a Japanese tryout team known as the Asian Breeze and showcased his impressive skills. His fastball reached speeds of up to 99 mph and he managed to strike out four batters out of the 12 he faced.

Not only did Bauer display his powerful arm, but he also exuded confidence in his abilities. In an interview with USA Today, Bauer expressed his desire to remind people that he is still one of the best pitchers in the world. Despite the challenges he has faced, including a suspension and release from the Dodgers, Bauer remains determined to prove his worth and secure a spot on an MLB team.

After being suspended and subsequently released by the Dodgers, Bauer has been actively seeking another opportunity to play in the major leagues. He emphasized that he is willing to accept the league minimum salary and believes that he has served his time and been cleared of all legal allegations. Bauer's performance against the Dodgers, with fans showing support for his return, highlights the ongoing debate surrounding his future in professional baseball.

Following his time playing in Japan, where he achieved an impressive 2.59 ERA, Bauer's return to the US baseball scene has sparked interest and speculation. As he continues to push for a chance to showcase his talent in the MLB, Bauer remains steadfast in his belief that he deserves a second chance to prove himself on the field.

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