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Elder Patrick Kearon Shares God's Intent to Bring You Home

'Everything about the Father's plan for His beloved children is designed to bring everyone home' - Elder Patrick Kearon.

Elder Patrick Kearon, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, delivered a powerful message during the April 2024 general conference. He emphasized that the Father's plan for His beloved children is all about bringing them home, not keeping them out. This plan, designed by God, is a beautiful and relentless pursuit to guide His children back to Him.

The purpose of this earth, according to Elder Kearon, is to provide a place for learning, growth, mistakes, repentance, and ultimately, a return home. He highlighted the importance of Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice, which removes any barriers that may separate individuals from their eternal home.

Throughout his talk, Elder Kearon stressed that God's plan of happiness, redemption, mercy, and salvation is meant to offer these blessings to all of His children. He emphasized the need for a radical reorientation away from selfishness and pride, urging individuals to change, repent, and come unto the Savior.

One of the key messages shared by Elder Kearon was that God is constantly seeking out His lost sheep, removing obstacles in their path and offering His grace to help them along the way. He reminded listeners that while there may be commandments to follow and changes to make, with the help of the Savior's grace, these things are achievable.

In conclusion, Elder Kearon's words serve as a reminder that God's ultimate desire is for all His children to choose to return to Him. His plan is one of love, mercy, and relentless pursuit, with the sole purpose of bringing everyone home.

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