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Medvedev loses Khachanov straight sets Monte Carlo Masters

Karen Khachanov defeats Daniil Medvedev in Monte Carlo Masters quarterfinals, his second win against the fourth-ranked Medvedev.

Karen Khachanov secured his spot in the quarterfinals of the prestigious Monte Carlo Masters after a hard-fought 6-3, 7-5 victory over his fellow Russian competitor, Daniil Medvedev. This triumph marked only the second time Khachanov had defeated the fourth-ranked Medvedev, showcasing his growing prowess on the clay courts.

Reflecting on his past encounters with Medvedev on hard courts, Khachanov expressed his satisfaction with finally clinching a win on clay, a surface where he has demonstrated consistent success despite not yet claiming a title. With two Roland Garros quarterfinal appearances under his belt, Khachanov emphasized his strong clay court performance compared to Medvedev's struggles and aversion to playing on this surface.

Although Medvedev clinched his first clay-court title in Rome last year, he still grapples with feeling completely comfortable on clay, as evidenced by his early exit at the French Open following his triumph in Italy. Khachanov's upcoming quarterfinal match will pit him against either the seasoned Monte Carlo champion Stefanos Tsitsipas or the formidable Alexander Zverev, setting the stage for an intense battle for a spot in the semifinals.

Khachanov's strategic play in the second set, marked by 11 winners and a mere three unforced errors, underscored his determination to secure his first victory over a top 5 player this season. Emphasizing the importance of consistency and tactical prowess, Khachanov expressed his confidence in his recent performance and his ambition to challenge the top players in the sport.

Medvedev's frustration boiled over towards the end of the match, resulting in a point penalty after a heated exchange with the chair umpire. Despite the tension, Khachanov maintained his composure and closed out the match with a decisive service winner, highlighting his mental resilience and focus under pressure.

As the tournament progresses, all eyes are on top-ranked Novak Djokovic as he prepares to face off against Lorenzo Musetti, a rising star who previously defeated the two-time Monte Carlo champion. Meanwhile, Alex de Minaur's impressive 6-3, 6-4 victory over Alexei Popyrin secured his spot in the quarterfinals, adding to the excitement and anticipation surrounding this prestigious event.

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