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New York DA Sandra Doorley video rant during traffic stop captured

Rochester City Council asks NY Attorney General to investigate DA's conduct after traffic incident caught on camera. Public trust eroding.

All members of the Rochester City Council have come together to address a concerning incident involving Monroe County DA Sandra Doorley. In a letter to New York Attorney General Letitia James, the council requests an investigation into Doorley's conduct during a recent traffic stop captured on bodycam footage.

The video shows Doorley refusing to stop when initially pulled over and later displaying combative behavior towards the officer. She asserts her authority as the District Attorney and dismisses concerns about her speeding. Despite admitting guilt and accepting a speeding ticket, Doorley's behavior has raised red flags for the City Council.

The council members express their doubts about Doorley's fitness to serve as District Attorney, citing her actions as potentially violating ethical standards and eroding public trust in the justice system. They believe that accountability is crucial in this matter and call for a thorough investigation by the Attorney General.

The council emphasizes that no one, regardless of their position, should be above the law. They stand united in their belief that Doorley's conduct must be scrutinized, and any necessary actions taken to uphold the integrity of the justice system. Doorley has yet to comment on the situation.

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