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Sandy Springs Powers Ferry area sidewalk gaps and bike lanes plan

Sandy Springs plans to improve transportation with bike lanes, sidewalks, and crossings in the Powers Ferry area for $2.8 million.

The Sandy Springs Public Works staff has put forth a proposal to initiate transportation improvements in the Powers Ferry area that are cost-effective and easy to implement. This proposal includes initiatives such as marking bike lanes, filling in sidewalk gaps, and adding mid-block crossings.

During a recent presentation to the Sandy Springs City Council, Senior Transportation Planner Caitlin Shankle outlined the recommendations from the Powers Ferry Transportation Study. These recommendations, which range from short-term to long-term solutions, were developed based on input from public information meetings and an online survey.

City Councilmember Andy Bauman expressed support for the focus on addressing immediate needs such as sidewalks, side paths, and lighting. Shankle highlighted various deficiencies in the area, including sidewalk gaps, limited street lighting, wrong-way driving activity, wide travel lanes, and maintenance issues related to pedestrian facilities and signalized intersections.

The proposed improvements come with a price tag of $2.8 million and aim to enhance safety and mobility for cyclists and pedestrians, establish a network for walking and biking, and introduce traffic calming measures by reducing lane widths.

Shankle emphasized that there is currently excess capacity on the roadways, allowing for the reallocation of lanes to accommodate bike and pedestrian facilities. By narrowing travel lanes from 12 feet to 11 feet, additional space can be created for bike lanes without the need for acquiring more land.

Short-term projects, which can be implemented without significant additional funding, include:

Mid-term projects, requiring moderate funding, will be prioritized for future financial opportunities and include:

Long-term recommendations, which are more ambitious and necessitate additional funding and regional collaboration, consist of:

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