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Megan Thee Stallion BOA Music Video Features Booty Fatality with Mortal Kombat References

Megan Thee Stallion's new music video for BOA features fun references to Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and other games, creating a viral hit.

The intertwining of fighting games and hip hop culture has been a longstanding connection, but Megan Thee Stallion takes it to a whole new level with her latest music video for the track BOA. The video is filled with playful references to iconic games like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter, creating a unique and entertaining visual experience.

The video kicks off with a group of friends playing a game called "The Curse of the Serpent Woman," which transitions into various gaming scenarios. Megan Thee Stallion appears as a pixel art character, leading the trio into a deadly game filled with Dance Dance Revolution-like stages and sexy bunny costumes.

References to classic fighting games abound throughout the video, with Megan delivering fatal blows reminiscent of Mortal Kombat Fatalities and Street Fighter finishing moves. The incorporation of motion controls with the Power Glove adds an extra layer of nostalgia and humor to the gaming theme.

In addition to the fighting game references, the video also includes nods to other gaming classics like Crash Bandicoot and Nintendo 64, showcasing Megan's love for video games and anime. The artist's bold and creative approach to blending music and gaming culture is evident in the attention to detail in the video's design and visuals.

While the song itself may not directly relate to gaming, the video can be interpreted as a metaphorical battle against detractors and haters, adding depth to the overall theme. Megan Thee Stallion's release of special edition CDs designed like PlayStation 2 games further cements her commitment to celebrating gaming culture in her music.

Overall, Megan Thee Stallion's BOA music video is a vibrant and engaging tribute to the world of fighting games and video game nostalgia. With its clever references, playful visuals, and energetic performance, the video is sure to resonate with fans of both hip hop and gaming alike.

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