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Real estate Mother's Day gift: The perfect present for mom

This Mother's Day, gift your mom a property for security and appreciation. A meaningful gesture that has financial benefits and tax advantages.

This Mother's Day, take your gift-giving to the next level by considering a financial gift for your mom's well-being and security. Mother's Day is more than just a day of recognition; it's an opportunity to show your mom how much you care. Traditionally, women often put the needs of their families before their own, leaving them without any assets of their own. This Mother's Day, think about purchasing a property in her name.

Why not break away from the norm of gifting jewelry and clothes and instead give your mom a property in her name? "In our whole life, mom is the only person on this earth who will pamper you, care for you more than anyone else, and expect nothing in return. It could be advantageous in the long run," said Gunjan Goel, Director at Goel Ganga Developments.

Before making any property purchase, always make sure to do your due diligence. Consider buying from trustworthy developers to ensure a smooth transaction. There are advantages such as tax breaks and lower paperwork costs that come with gifting real estate. This gesture not only shows love and appreciation, but also provides a sense of security and opportunity for the future.

Aman Gupta, director of real estate company RPS Group, emphasizes that gifting property is not just a practical gift, but one that can also have financial benefits. There are incentives available for women when purchasing property in their name, making it a thoughtful and meaningful gift.

According to Gupta, buying a property for your mother gives her something solid and secure that she can hold onto forever. It not only shows appreciation and respect, but also instills a sense of pride and accomplishment in the family. Whether your mother chooses to live in the house or rent it out, it provides her with a sense of comfort and security. Additionally, there are tax benefits and lower loan interest rates that come with buying property in her name.

This Mother's Day, consider going above and beyond with a gift that will truly make a difference in your mom's life. Show her how much you care by giving her the gift of property, a gesture that will not only bring her joy but also financial benefits in the long run.

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