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Diego Carlos shockingly impresses Gary Neville with incredible Liverpool miss

Aston Villa's Diego Carlos misses a two-yard chance against Liverpool, leaving fans stunned and sparking debate over the worst miss ever.

In a shocking turn of events during Monday's Premier League clash between Aston Villa and Liverpool, Diego Carlos missed a golden opportunity to level the match at 2-2. The ball was played to him across the six-yard box by Leon Bailey, with Liverpool's goalkeeper Alisson leaving the goal gaping. Carlos only needed to tap the ball over the line to bring Villa back on level terms. However, to the disbelief of fans and pundits alike, Carlos somehow managed to put the shot wide from just two yards out.

Gary Neville and Piers Morgan were amongst those left stunned by the miss, with Jamie Carragher attempting to offer some explanation for the glaring error. Despite the statistics showing that 96 out of 100 chances in that situation would result in a goal, Carlos failed to convert the opportunity.

The miss sparked a flurry of reactions online, with one supporter calling it the worst miss they had ever seen. Others questioned whether it could be considered the worst miss of the century. Meanwhile, Arsenal fan Piers Morgan took to Twitter to express his gratitude to Diego Carlos, hoping that Tottenham's victory over Man City would benefit his team in the Premier League title race.

As fans and pundits alike continue to dissect the missed opportunity, the spotlight remains on Diego Carlos and his unfortunate blunder. The incident serves as a reminder of the fine margins in football and the unpredictable nature of the game.

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