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Sarah Paulson Holland Taylor live apart nearly decade together: Explanation

Sarah Paulson and Holland Taylor choose to live separately despite being in a long-term relationship, maintaining independence while staying connected.

Sarah Paulson and Holland Taylor have been in a loving relationship for almost ten years, yet they have made the unique decision to live apart. The 49-year-old actress shared on 'CBS Sunday Mornings' that both she and her 81-year-old partner had grown accustomed to their independent lifestyles before they met. They recognized the importance of maintaining some level of autonomy in their relationship, hence the decision to live separately.

Despite living in different homes, Sarah and Holland still make time for each other through video calls. They both admitted to missing each other when they are apart, but they have found ways to stay connected. Their ability to balance togetherness and independence is what makes their relationship special and unique.

In addition to her personal life, Sarah has also achieved professional success with a Tony nomination for her leading role in the Broadway play 'Appropriate'. She expressed gratitude for the opportunity to perform on The Great White Way, a dream she never thought would come true. Sarah credited her mother for nurturing her passion for theatre from a young age, highlighting the importance of parental support in pursuing one's dreams.

Overall, Sarah Paulson and Holland Taylor's relationship serves as a reminder that love can take many forms and that maintaining individuality within a partnership is essential for long-lasting happiness. Their story is a testament to the power of communication, understanding, and mutual respect in a successful relationship.

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