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Saskatchewan Party, SUP MLAs Not Welcome at Moose Jaw Pride Events

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The decision to disinvite Sask. Party and SUP MLAs from Moose Jaw Pride events this summer comes in response to Bill 137, a controversial law that requires Saskatchewan students under 16 years old to obtain permission from a parent or guardian to change their name or pronouns at school. This law, which is currently being challenged in court, was passed using the notwithstanding clause to override parts of Saskatchewan's Human Rights Code and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Pride Week organizers in Moose Jaw expressed their solidarity with other Pride organizations in the province and emphasized their commitment to supporting the well-being of all 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals in their community. They believe that the attendance of MLAs who support legislation that directly harms queer people and their loved ones goes against their values of love, acceptance, and celebration. As a result, these MLAs will not be welcome at Moose Jaw Pride events until they reject harmful ideologies and work towards protecting the rights of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and adults across the province.

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