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Slovak PM Robert Fico shot, in life-threatening condition

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt, critical condition. International leaders express shock and condemnation. Political violence rare in Slovakia.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was the target of a politically motivated assassination attempt in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. The gunman shot Fico five times, leaving him in critical condition and undergoing surgery. The interior minister confirmed that the attack was politically motivated and linked to recent elections. The shooting shocked the nation and drew international condemnation from leaders like Putin and Biden.

Fico was rushed to the hospital in Handlova and then airlifted to Banska Bystrica for urgent treatment. Reports indicated that the shooter was a former security guard and member of the Slovak Society of Writers. The motive behind the attack remains unclear, with the shooter's son expressing confusion over his father's actions.

Fico, a veteran leader who has faced criticism for his pro-Russian stance and controversial reforms, has been a polarizing figure in Slovak politics. His close ally blamed the liberal media and opposition for creating an atmosphere that led to the shooting. The opposition party called off a planned protest in light of the incident and urged politicians to avoid escalating tensions.

Fico's career has been marked by shifts between pro-European and nationalistic positions, with a willingness to adapt to changing political realities. He was previously forced to resign in 2018 following mass protests sparked by the murder of a journalist investigating corruption. The incident has reignited divisions in Slovak society, prompting calls for unity and restraint from political leaders.

Slovakia's President-elect has cut short a foreign trip to return to the country in the wake of the assassination attempt on Fico. The nation remains on edge as authorities investigate the motives behind the attack and work to ensure the safety of its political leaders.

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