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RIP Great Comic Actor Dabney Coleman, 92, Rose to Fame with Mary Hartman, 9 to 5, Tootsie - Showbiz411

Actor Dabney Coleman, known for "9 to 5," passed away at 92. His iconic roles and impact on Hollywood remembered.

I had the pleasure of chatting with the talented actor Dabney Coleman a few times at Elaine's, where he was adored by the legendary Elaine Kaufman herself. He exuded charm, intelligence, and a great sense of humor. Today, at the age of 92, Coleman has passed away, leaving behind a legacy of memorable performances.

One of Coleman's most iconic roles was as the despicable boss in the film "9 to 5." Prior to his breakout role, he had spent over 15 years honing his craft on various TV shows before finding success on "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman" in 1976. His portrayal of Merle Jeter, the conniving husband of Wanda Jeter, showcased his ability to play complex characters with a touch of wit. His character met a tragic end on the show, which left fans mourning.

Following the success of "9 to 5," Coleman continued to impress audiences with his performances in films like "On Golden Pond," "Young Doctors in Love," "Tootsie," and "War Games." His ability to bring greedy and self-motivated characters to life with humor made him a standout in Hollywood. Whether he was playing a villain or a comedic role, Coleman always captivated viewers with his talent.

In the 1980s, Coleman starred in two cult TV shows, "Buffalo Bill" and "Slap Maxwell," which may not have been mainstream hits but left a lasting impact on audiences. If these shows had been on platforms like HBO or Netflix today, they would have likely found a larger audience and enjoyed longer runs.

Even in his later years, Coleman continued to showcase his acting prowess, with roles like playing Kevin Costner's father in "Yellowstone." With five Emmy nominations and one win to his name, Coleman's talent was recognized by his peers in the industry. Despite his success, he remained humble and dedicated to his craft.

While Coleman had a successful career with numerous credits to his name, he will always be remembered for his portrayal of Franklin J. Hart in "9 to 5." His character, a clueless, egotistical, male chauvinist pig, and philanderer, remains relevant even today, four decades after the film's release. Coleman's ability to bring such a character to life with depth and nuance solidified his status as a talented and versatile actor in Hollywood.

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