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Kevin Costner Horizon American Saga Cannes 10-Minute Standing Ovation

Kevin Costner sheds tears at Cannes Film Festival, promises "three more" installments of his Western epic 'Horizon: An American Saga.'

Kevin Costner was overwhelmed with emotion as he received a ten-minute standing ovation at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival for his latest project, 'Horizon: An American Saga.' The four-part Western epic, which Costner co-wrote, directed, and starred in, was screened to a captivated audience at the Grand Theatre Lumiere on May 19.

After the applause finally subsided, Costner, visibly moved, addressed the crowd, expressing gratitude for the support and dedication of those who believed in him and worked tirelessly on the film. He shared personal anecdotes about the journey of bringing 'Horizon' to life, emphasizing the collaborative effort and passion that went into the project.

Accompanied by his children, including his son Hayes who also appears in the film, Costner posed for photos on the red carpet before the screening. Reflecting on the experience, he acknowledged the significance of the moment and the impact of sharing his creation with the world.

As he addressed the audience, Costner's voice quivered with emotion as he made a heartfelt declaration about the film. He emphasized that 'Horizon' was no longer just his creation but belonged to the viewers, expressing his gratitude for their time and attention.

In an unexpected announcement, Costner revealed that there are plans for three more installments of 'Horizon,' much to the delight of the crowd. The news was met with enthusiastic approval, underscoring the anticipation and excitement surrounding the epic saga.

'Horizon: An American Saga' marks Costner's triumphant return to feature film directing after a lengthy hiatus. The film, set for release in two chapters this summer, promises to deliver a rich and expansive narrative reminiscent of Costner's acclaimed work in 'Dances with Wolves.'

Warner Bros. Pictures president Jeff Goldstein praised Costner's vision for 'Horizon,' hinting at the potential for a larger cinematic universe to unfold. Costner himself has described the project as a labor of love, emphasizing the challenges and rewards of bringing such a monumental story to the screen.

As the event came to a close, Costner expressed his deep gratitude once again, acknowledging the support and enthusiasm of the audience. He thanked them for their time and attention, underscoring the significance of sharing 'Horizon' with the world.

In conclusion, Kevin Costner's emotional response to the reception of 'Horizon: An American Saga' at Cannes encapsulates the passion and dedication he has poured into this epic project. The announcement of additional installments only adds to the anticipation and excitement surrounding this ambitious cinematic endeavor.

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