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Luke Bryan Ryan Seacrest Lionel Richie Discuss Katy Perry Idol Exit

Katy Perry exits 'American Idol' after 7 years in emotional finale. Judges speculate on her return, hope for fearless replacement.

In a moment filled with mixed emotions, Katy Perry bid farewell to 'American Idol' after seven years during the season 22 finale on Sunday. The episode was a rollercoaster of emotions as Perry celebrated her departure in true Katy Perry fashion, even indulging in some pizza during the live show. The winner of the season, Abi Carter, may have taken the spotlight, but Perry stole the show with her tearful moments throughout.

Despite her emotional exit, fellow judges Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan, along with host Ryan Seacrest, aren't convinced that this is the end of the road for the 39-year-old pop star on Idol. Seacrest hinted at the possibility of Perry returning, stating that she had told him to "keep the seat warm," leaving the door open for a potential comeback. Richie playfully suggested that Perry might be playing mind games with her departure, setting the stage for a dramatic return.

Perry herself teased the idea of a return, urging fans to keep her seat warm and hinting at the possibility of coming back. Her legacy on the show was praised by Seacrest, who credited her with ushering in a new era for 'American Idol' with her kindness and support for contestants. Richie echoed this sentiment, highlighting the impact Perry had on the show's evolution.

Looking ahead to the future, the question of who will fill Perry's seat remains unanswered. Richie jokingly called for Beyoncé and Taylor Swift to step in, recognizing the need for big names to join the judging panel. Bryan remained tight-lipped on the subject, indicating that he knew potential candidates but chose not to reveal any names.

As for Perry's ideal replacement, she expressed a desire for someone fearless and unapologetically authentic, much like herself. She emphasized the importance of having a unique point of view and being unafraid to speak one's mind, even if it means facing criticism. The search for Perry's successor promises to be an exciting one, with fans eagerly awaiting the announcement of the newest addition to the 'American Idol' judging panel.

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