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Preakness 2024: D Wayne Lukas shares story of Maryland racing renewal

Legendary trainer D. Wayne Lukas wins his seventh Preakness Stakes, showing age is just a number when it comes to success.

D. Wayne Lukas, the 88-year-old legendary trainer, did not sleep in after his seventh Preakness Stakes win with Seize the Grey. In fact, he was up before 3 a.m., worried about another horse, Just Steel, who had suffered a sesamoid fracture. Lukas was at Pimlico Race Course by 5 a.m., closely monitoring Seize the Grey and preparing for interviews. His relentless dedication and drive have always set him apart, propelling him to the top of the horse racing world in the 1990s.

Despite his age, Lukas remains fiercely competitive and driven to win. While he has mellowed over the years and earned the respect of his peers, his passion for the sport still burns brightly. His recent Preakness win serves as a reminder of his enduring legacy and the unwavering commitment that keeps him going day after day.

Watching Lukas reclaim his place in the spotlight is a heartwarming sight for many in the racing community. His peers, like Bob Baffert and Kenny McPeek, embrace his success and admire his tenacity. Baffert, who has more Preakness wins than any other trainer, expressed awe at Lukas' accomplishments and the impact he continues to have on the sport.

In the end, Lukas' triumph at the Preakness is more than just a win. It is a testament to his resilience, determination, and undying love for horse racing. His victory serves as a reminder to all aspiring trainers and fans alike that success is not achieved by resting on one's laurels but by relentlessly pursuing one's dreams, no matter the obstacles. Lukas' story is a beacon of inspiration and a testament to the power of passion and perseverance in the face of adversity.

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