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Zac Brown estranged wife responds to temporary restraining order

Zac Brown's wife speaks out after restraining order granted, accuses him of narcissistic abuse, violating confidentiality agreement.

Zac Brown's estranged wife, Kelly Yazdi, recently spoke out after a temporary restraining order was granted against her. The couple was only married for four months before the country music star filed for divorce. Following accusations that she violated an employee and confidentiality agreement, Yazdi took to Instagram to share her side of the story, accusing Brown of "narcissistic abuse."

In response, Brown filed for a restraining order, which was granted by a Georgia court. Yazdi, however, remains determined to exercise her right to freely express herself through art and to speak about the circumstances of their pending divorce. She emphasized that she intends to respond robustly to the complaint that her social media posts divulged confidential information about Brown's business.

The legal battle between Brown and Yazdi escalated when Brown filed for an emergency restraining order, injunctive relief, and damages related to alleged violations of the confidentiality agreement. A representative for Brown expressed the hope for privacy and mutual respect as they navigate their divorce proceedings.

Despite this, Yazdi criticized Brown for publicly releasing a music video that mocked their wedding party and for engaging in unnecessary legal action. She maintained that she will not be silenced by Brown's attempts to portray himself as a victim and control the narrative surrounding their divorce.

The couple announced their divorce in December after a brief marriage, expressing mutual respect and a desire for privacy during the process. Brown was previously married to ex-wife Shelly for 12 years before his marriage to Yazdi. The ongoing legal battle and public statements from both parties highlight the complexities and challenges of divorce proceedings in the public eye.

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