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White House criticizes video shared by Trump referencing 'unified Reich'

White House condemns Trump for sharing video referencing a "unified Reich" on Truth Social, calling it "dangerous and offensive."

The White House strongly condemned former President Trump on Tuesday for sharing a video on Truth Social that alluded to a "unified Reich" if he were to win a second term, labeling it as "dangerous and offensive."

White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates expressed deep concern in a statement, denouncing any promotion of content associated with Germany's Nazi regime under Adolf Hitler as "abhorrent, sickening, and disgraceful." He emphasized that any form of Antisemitic dog whistling is not only dangerous and offensive but also goes against American values.

Although Bates did not directly mention Trump by name, citing the Hatch Act laws that restrict White House officials from intervening in elections, the Biden campaign did not hold back.

Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer called out Trump directly, asserting that the former president is not playing games but is instead revealing his true intentions of ruling as a dictator over a 'unified reich' if he were to regain power.

The video shared by Trump on Truth Social, which featured speculative headlines about a potential victory in November, including a mention of a "unified Reich," was removed the following morning. Trump's campaign spokesperson, Karoline Leavitt, clarified that the video was not an official campaign production but was instead reposted by a junior staffer without thorough review.

This incident is not the first time Trump has come under fire for using language reminiscent of Nazi ideology. His previous comments likening Biden's administration to a "Gestapo" and his derogatory remarks about immigrants and political opponents have drawn widespread criticism for evoking Hitler's rhetoric.

The White House's strong stance against Trump's actions underscores the importance of upholding democratic values and rejecting any form of hateful or divisive language. It serves as a reminder that promoting harmful ideologies has no place in American society and must be unequivocally condemned.

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