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Authorities investigate supply chain of Ketamine in Matthew Perry case: Report | English Movie News

'Friends' star Matthew Perry's tragic death prompts investigation into ketamine source. Hollywood figures interviewed as officials work to solve case.

The tragic passing of beloved 'Friends' star Matthew Perry has sparked an investigation into the source of the ketamine found in his system. Perry, who battled addiction for years, was found unresponsive in his hot tub in October. Authorities are now focused on uncovering who provided him with the drug.

Both the DEA and local law enforcement are actively involved in the investigation, interviewing key figures in Hollywood who may have insights into Perry's situation. Despite their efforts, no arrests have been made yet as officials work to piece together the events leading to Perry's death.

An autopsy report revealed that ketamine was the primary cause of Perry's passing, along with other contributing factors. Although he had received ketamine infusion therapy for depression shortly before his death, authorities believe the ketamine in his system was not from this treatment due to its short half-life.

Matthew Perry's legacy as the beloved Chandler Bing on 'Friends' has left a lasting impact on the entertainment world and his fans. Warner Bros., the makers of the show, expressed their devastation at his loss, praising his talent and comedic genius that touched millions worldwide. His memory will live on in the hearts of many, and his passing is mourned by his family, loved ones, and devoted fans.

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