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New Caledonia turmoil prompts French nationals to sail to safety in Australia

French family living in New Caledonia forced to flee due to violent unrest over changes to provincial voting rules.

New Caledonia was initially intended as a brief stopover for a French family on a sailing trip around the world. However, they quickly fell in love with the peaceful and welcoming atmosphere of the island. The family decided to make New Caledonia their home, enrolling their children in local schools and becoming part of the community in Nouméa.

Unfortunately, recent unrest and violence in New Caledonia have forced the family to leave their newfound home. With the airport closed for commercial flights, they are preparing to sail to Brisbane, Australia, leaving behind friends and loved ones who cannot leave.

The turmoil in New Caledonia stems from French plans to change electoral rules for provincial elections, sparking protests and violence. The Kanak people, who make up a significant portion of the population, are concerned that the new rules will dilute their voting power.

Despite the violence, there has been a sense of solidarity among the people of New Caledonia. Local radio stations have been instrumental in providing information and support to those in need. Neighborhood patrols have worked to protect schools and prevent further violence.

The family's departure from New Caledonia is bittersweet, as they hope for a peaceful resolution to the current unrest. They believe that New Caledonia's future lies in recognizing the rights of the Kanak people while embracing the multiculturalism of the archipelago.

As they prepare to leave, the family reflects on the kindness and warmth they experienced during their time in New Caledonia. They hope for a peaceful and inclusive future for the island, where all residents can live harmoniously together.

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