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Zac Brown estranged wife vows not to be silenced in response to lawsuit

Zac Brown's estranged wife, Kelly Yazdi, fights back after he sues her over Instagram post, claiming it violates confidentiality agreement.

Kelly Yazdi, the former wife of country singer Zac Brown, has responded to a lawsuit filed by Brown to have her remove an Instagram post that he believes breaches a confidentiality agreement she signed.

In a statement shared on Instagram, Yazdi dismissed Brown's claim as baseless. The specific Instagram post in question has not been identified, but Yazdi mentioned that it includes two poems she posted on her personal account. She argued that the poems did not reveal any confidential information about Brown's business.

Yazdi asserted her right to freely express herself through art and potentially discuss details of their ongoing divorce publicly, despite Brown's attempts to silence her through legal action. The couple got married in late August 2023 and divorced four months later.

Documents from the court revealed that Yazdi and Brown began dating in December 2021, with Yazdi later joining Brown's company and signing a confidentiality agreement. Brown's lawsuit also seeks to prevent Yazdi from making damaging statements about him, his family, his company, and his band.

Yazdi accused Brown of using his wealth and influence to manipulate the narrative of their divorce proceedings and silence her from sharing her side of the story. She emphasized her determination not to be silenced by Brown's tactics.

In response, Brown stated that the lawsuit aims to uphold their agreement to keep personal and business matters confidential and shield his family from online harassment. He expressed a desire for privacy and mutual respect as they navigate their separation.

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