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160000 Borrowers Receive 7.7 Billion in Student Loan Forgiveness Round

Biden Administration cancels $7.7 billion in student loan debt for 160,000 borrowers, bringing total relief to $167 billion.

The Biden Administration has recently announced a significant milestone in student loan forgiveness, with $7.7 billion in debt being canceled for 160,000 borrowers. This latest round of relief is specifically targeted towards public service workers and those enrolled in certain repayment programs. This brings the total amount of student loan forgiveness under the Biden Administration to $167 billion for nearly 5 million borrowers, a substantial 10% of federal student loan holders.

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona highlighted the impact of this debt relief, stating that it provides financial breathing room and lifts a burden for many borrowers. The administration has been actively working to address student loan debt, with previous announcements of relief for various groups of borrowers. The recent initiative aims to provide relief to eligible borrowers without the need for any action on their part. Notifications will be sent out via email, and the relief will be processed in the coming weeks.

This ongoing effort to alleviate student loan debt reflects the administration's commitment to supporting borrowers and easing financial pressures. Despite legal challenges and previous setbacks, the Biden Administration remains dedicated to addressing the issue of student loan debt and providing relief to those in need. The latest round of debt forgiveness is a significant step towards achieving this goal and assisting borrowers in managing their financial obligations.

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