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Herbs Phytochemicals Fight Diabetic Retinopathy Emerging Frontier Thailand Medical News

"Natural products show promise in treating diabetic retinopathy, offering hope for millions worldwide. Learn more about this groundbreaking research!"

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a serious complication that arises from diabetes mellitus (DM), presenting a significant risk of visual impairment and blindness. With the global prevalence of diabetes on the rise, the incidence of DR is also increasing, creating an urgent need for effective treatments. The complexity of DR, characterized by intricate pathological changes, poses a significant challenge for current therapies. However, a recent study review conducted by researchers from West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu-China, sheds light on the potential of natural products (NPs) in managing and potentially treating this debilitating condition.

Understanding the pathophysiological changes in diabetic retinopathy is crucial for developing effective treatments. Chronic hyperglycemia, a key feature of diabetes, triggers a series of physiological and biochemical alterations in the retina, leading to microvascular injury and retinal dysfunction. Key pathological features of DR include microaneurysms and hemorrhages, increased vascular permeability, retinal hypoxia and neovascularization, diabetic macular edema (DME), inflammation, and oxidative stress.

Current treatments for DR include medications to control blood glucose, hypertension, and lipid levels, anti-VEGF injections, laser photocoagulation, and vitrectomy. However, these treatments have limitations, and many patients do not achieve satisfactory visual recovery, underscoring the need for novel therapeutic approaches.

Natural products, or phytochemicals, show promise in the management of diabetic retinopathy due to their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-neovascular, and anti-apoptotic properties. Some key NPs that have shown potential in DR treatment include Astragaloside-IV, Resveratrol, Astaxanthin, Quercetin, and Berberine. Challenges such as bioavailability, safety, and drug-drug interactions remain, highlighting the need for further research and clinical validation.

Innovative drug delivery systems, such as nano-synthetic drugs, are being explored to improve the bioavailability and efficacy of NPs. Safety concerns and potential drug-drug interactions when NPs are used in combination with conventional medicines also need to be addressed. Despite these challenges, NPs offer a promising frontier in the prevention and treatment of diabetic retinopathy, providing hope for millions of patients worldwide.

The study review was published in the peer-reviewed journal Biomedicines. For more information on Herbs And Phytochemicals, continue to follow Thailand Medical News.

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