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New Emails: Anthony Fauci and NIH Worked to Mislead Public

Fauci and top health officials dismissed skepticism during the pandemic. New emails reveal deceit, cover-ups, and efforts to avoid scrutiny.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Anthony Fauci and other prominent public health officials have been dismissive and scornful of any doubts, criticisms, or inquiries about their strategies.

Fauci famously proclaimed himself as the sole guardian of The Science™, asserting that any attacks on him were essentially attacks on the sacred concept of science itself. This statement was not only egotistical but also absurd, considering that science is a constantly evolving field of ideas and testing, not rigid facts.

Fauci's track record during the pandemic is riddled with inaccuracies and missteps, from mask recommendations to vaccine efficacy to school closures. However, one of his most significant failures was his handling of the lab leak theory. Revelations from released emails suggest that Fauci may have been aware of the potential connection between his organization's funding and gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Newly disclosed emails from Dr. David Morens, Fauci's top advisor, shed further light on the lengths Fauci and his team went to in order to avoid scrutiny. The emails reveal a pattern of using private communication channels, such as Fauci's personal gmail account, to discuss sensitive issues and evade transparency.

Morens' emails also indicate a concerted effort to downplay discussions about the lab leak theory and protect individuals and organizations involved. The exchanges show a clear prioritization of self-preservation over truth and accountability.

The emails expose a troubling lack of concern for transparency and a willingness to manipulate information to shield themselves from consequences. The correspondence paints a picture of a group of individuals more focused on protecting their reputations than on uncovering the truth behind the origins of the pandemic.

Despite Fauci's public statements to the contrary, the emails suggest a deliberate effort to obfuscate and mislead regarding the lab leak theory. The revelations cast a shadow over Fauci's credibility and integrity, as well as the broader scientific community's commitment to honesty and openness.

In conclusion, the emails paint a damning picture of Fauci and his team's actions during the pandemic, revealing a pattern of deception and self-preservation at the expense of truth and accountability. The revelations underscore the importance of transparency and integrity in public health decision-making and highlight the need for greater scrutiny of those in positions of power.

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