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Season Finale: Elsbeth's Shocking Failure to Suspect Fashion Show Murderer

Elsbeth's season finale reveals a surprising twist, inspiring a fashion line and setting the stage for exciting possibilities in Season 2.

In the season finale of Elsbeth, the quirky main character, played by Carrie Preston, inspired a fashion line from legendary designer Matteo Hart (Andr De Shields), who also ended up being the culprit in the murder of a photographer. She was also warmly welcomed in New York by a now completely exonerated Captain Wagner (Wendell Pierce).

TheWrap spoke with Preston and showrunner Jonathan Tolins about breaking up the unit structure for the finale, what to expect in Season 2, and whether we'd get an Elsbeth fashion line or a bag designer tote in real life.

Jonathan Tolins revealed that they considered ending the season on a cliffhanger but ultimately decided to conclude the Wagner investigation to explore other aspects of the characters' lives in Season 2. The renewal news came after they had finished filming the finale, adding an emotional touch to the scenes.

Carrie Preston mentioned the amazing guest stars in Season 1 and expressed hope for more stars to join in Season 2. She also hinted at the possibility of her husband, Michael Emerson, making a guest appearance on the show.

When asked about Elsbeth's son, Teddy, Tolins and Preston both expressed uncertainty about whether he would be introduced in Season 2. They discussed the idea of leaving Teddy as a mystery character like Columbo's wife, adding to the audience's imagination.

Tolins and Preston also discussed the sympathetic reasons behind some of the killers' actions in the show, particularly in the finale where Elsbeth forms a real connection with Matteo. Preston praised the artistry in the episode, especially the fashion line inspired by Elsbeth.

The possibility of an Elsbeth clothing line in real life was mentioned, with Preston expressing interest in the idea. She highlighted the positive response to Elsbeth's unique style and hinted at potential Easter eggs in Season 2.

The finale's unique structure, where the culprit is not immediately revealed, was praised by Preston as a smart move by the writers. She hinted at more experimentation with the structure in Season 2 to keep the audience engaged.

Looking ahead to Season 2, Preston expressed interest in exploring Elsbeth's personal life and seeing her use her legal skills in different scenarios. She mentioned the potential for courtroom drama involving a lawyer who commits murder, adding an exciting twist to the storyline.

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