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Watch Live: Trump Rally South Bronx May 23 Election Central

Don't miss Trump's historic rally in the Bronx, New York today at 6 pm ET. Watch live stream for his speech!

Former President Donald Trump is set to make a visit to the south Bronx today for a late afternoon rally in the heart of deep-blue New York City. The rally is scheduled to take place on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 6:00 pm ET in Crotona Park in the South Bronx, NY. Tickets for the event are available, and those unable to attend in person can watch the live stream provided by RSBN and Rumble.

Despite the perception that New York is not favorable political terrain for Trump, he is expected to receive a warm welcome during his visit. The New York Post conducted interviews with residents to gauge their reactions to Trump's campaign event in a borough that has not supported the GOP in a century.

Local business owner Joe Randazzo expressed his support for Trump, citing concerns over inflation and violent crime under President Biden's administration. He plans to attend the rally if his schedule permits. Artist and entrepreneur Cherie Corso also voiced her unwavering support for Trump, despite facing backlash from neighbors in her left-leaning suburb.

While Republican candidates typically do not focus on campaigning in New York, some believe that the political landscape has shifted enough to potentially make areas like New York and New Jersey competitive in the upcoming election. The Bronx rally holds significance as Biden faces decreasing support from minority and young voters.

The rally is expected to be a historic event, providing insight into the current political climate and the level of enthusiasm for Trump's message. Viewers can watch the live stream and stay updated on future campaign events by following the Trump rally schedule.

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