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Justin Trudeau accuses Benjamin Netanyahu of obstructing two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians

Trudeau accuses Netanyahu of hindering two-state solution. Strong remarks made by Trudeau towards Netanyahu, supporting UN ruling on Gaza.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has expressed his disagreement with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's approach to achieving peace between Israel and Palestine. Trudeau emphasized Canada's support for a two-state solution, advocating for a peaceful coexistence between Israel and a Palestinian state. He criticized Netanyahu's government for hindering progress towards this goal, citing barriers and blockages created by Israel.

Trudeau's remarks are some of the strongest criticisms he has directed towards Netanyahu, highlighting previous disagreements over a two-state solution and responses to conflicts in Gaza. He also endorsed a ruling by the United Nations' top court calling for an immediate halt to Israel's military offensive in Rafah, a city where many Palestinians have sought refuge.

The International Court of Justice's decision also emphasized the need for investigations into potential war crimes and increased humanitarian aid for Gaza. Trudeau condemned the humanitarian crisis in the region, urging Hamas to lay down arms while calling for a cessation of military operations by Israel in Rafah.

Despite Israel's rejection of the court's ruling and criticisms, Trudeau emphasized the binding nature of the decisions and the expectation for compliance as a matter of international law. Israel's continued military operations, including in Rafah, have raised concerns about the impact on civilians and the region's stability.

Trudeau's conversation with Israeli officials in March, regarding the export of light armoured vehicles to Israel, underscored Canada's stance on the conflict. The decision to halt these exports reflects Canada's commitment to promoting peace and stability in the region.

Overall, Trudeau's statements highlight Canada's support for a two-state solution and the need for all parties to work towards a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The complexities of the situation require careful consideration and diplomatic efforts to address the humanitarian crisis and promote lasting peace in the region.

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