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Big crash Monaco GP 1st lap involving 3 cars brings out red flag racing temporary halt.

Monaco Grand Prix red-flagged after three-car crash on first lap, dramatic incidents avoided, all drivers unharmed, potential penalties for Magnussen.

The Monaco Grand Prix was marred by a dramatic three-car crash on the first lap, leading to a red flag and race interruption. Sergio Perez's Red Bull was clipped by Kevin Magnussen's Haas, sending Perez spinning into the crash barrier and splitting his car almost in half. Nico Hulkenberg's Haas was also caught up in the chaos, but miraculously, all drivers emerged unharmed and walked back to their garages.

Debris littered the track, prompting the red flag and the removal of Perez's mangled car by a crane. The tense moment continued as two Alpines collided near the tunnel, with Esteban Ocon's front nose launching Pierre Gasly's car into the air. Fortunately, a serious accident was avoided.

The FIA ordered a standing restart, with Charles Leclerc, Oscar Piastri, and Carlos Sainz Jr. leading the pack. Sainz, despite puncturing moments after the start, managed to hold onto third place. Magnussen, already on thin ice with penalty points, could face a race ban if deemed responsible for the crash.

The incident raised questions about racing etiquette and responsibility on the track. Was it a mere racing incident, or could more have been done to prevent the chaos? As the race resumed, tensions were high, and the drivers prepared for a thrilling and unpredictable Grand Prix in the iconic streets of Monaco.

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