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Elsbeth season 2 spoilers: Meet Teddy and more updates

Exciting speculation on whether Elsbeth's son Teddy will make an appearance in season 2, leaving fans eager for more surprises.

Elsbeth season 2 is set to premiere on CBS this fall, and fans are buzzing with anticipation. One burning question on everyone's minds is whether we will finally get to meet the elusive Teddy, the title character's son.

Carrie Preston, who plays Elsbeth, has hinted at the possibility of Teddy making an appearance in the upcoming season. Drawing a comparison to Columbo's wife, who was frequently referenced but never seen on screen, Preston suggests that leaving Teddy to the audience's imagination could add an intriguing element to the show. However, she also expresses trust in the show's creators to cast the perfect actor for the role if they decide to bring Teddy into the storyline.

Ultimately, the decision to introduce Teddy will depend on the writing and casting choices made by the show's creators. It's not about meeting him for the sake of it, but rather about finding the right fit for the character and creating something unique. Given the show's history of casting exceptional guest stars, there is potential for Teddy to add depth to the narrative.

As we eagerly await the return of Elsbeth for season 2, let's appreciate the excitement and anticipation that the first season brought us. And who knows, we may just get to meet Teddy after all.

Do you think Michael Emerson will make an appearance in Elsbeth season 2? Share your thoughts in the comments below and stay tuned for more updates.

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