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O'Sullivan takes maiden F2 win after capitalizing on Virtual Safety Car pit stop

Zak O'Sullivan secures first Formula 3 Feature Race win in Monaco after strategic pit stop under Virtual Safety Car conditions.

In a thrilling Formula 3 Feature Race in Monaco, Zak O'Sullivan secured his first-ever win after a dramatic turn of events. The race began with Verschoor dominating from pole position, but a heartbreaking retirement left O'Sullivan in the lead. O'Sullivan capitalized on a pit stop during a Virtual Safety Car period, overtaking Hadjar for the win.

The race saw intense battles throughout the field, with drivers opting for different tire strategies to gain an advantage. Verschoor led the race early on, building a gap to Hadjar in second place. Meanwhile, Antonelli set the fastest lap in fifth but faced challenges with his car leaking dry ice.

As the race progressed, O'Sullivan maintained his lead, while Bearman made impressive gains after a slow start. Pit stops and tire management played a crucial role in determining the outcome of the race, with drivers like Maloney and Fittipaldi facing setbacks during their stops.

In the closing laps, O'Sullivan faced stiff competition from Hadjar, but he held his ground to claim victory. Verschoor encountered issues with his car and received a penalty, ultimately retiring from the race. O'Sullivan's strategic pit stop under yellow flags proved to be the decisive moment that secured his win.

Overall, the Monaco Feature Race was a thrilling and action-packed event, showcasing the talent and determination of young drivers in the Formula 3 championship. O'Sullivan's maiden win marks a significant milestone in his racing career and sets the stage for more exciting races to come.

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