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Bill Walton video resurfaces with eerie quote and "I've been dead for quite a few years"

NBA legend Bill Walton passes away at 71. His candid comments during a broadcast leave fans puzzled and reflecting on his legacy.

The recent news of NBA legend Bill Walton's passing at the age of 71 has left fans in shock and mourning. Known for his vibrant broadcasting style and charismatic personality, Walton's legacy will always be remembered. However, a recent clip of him discussing timeless-ness on live TV has sparked speculation and intrigue.

During a broadcast, Walton made a cryptic comment about being timeless and possibly being dead for quite a few years. His co-host, Jason Benetti, quickly interjected with a lighthearted response, adding to the mystery of Walton's words. Some speculate that Walton's love for the Grateful Dead may have influenced his statement, while others believe it could be a reflection of his personal struggles with depression and health issues.

Regardless of the interpretation, Walton's comments serve as a reminder of his unique perspective on life. Known for his candidness and willingness to embrace both the highs and lows, Walton's legacy will continue to inspire generations to come. As he once remarked in disbelief during a broadcast, "This is a job?" - a sentiment that captures his gratitude and passion for the game of basketball.

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