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Libertarians pick Chase Oliver as presidential nominee

Libertarian Party nominates Chase Oliver for president, rejecting Trump and Kennedy. Attention grows due to Trump-Biden rematch. Unify for liberty!

The Libertarian Party made a bold move on Sunday by nominating party activist Chase Oliver for president, rejecting both former President Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after their speeches at the party's convention. This decision has garnered more attention this year due to the highly anticipated rematch between Trump and Democratic President Joe Biden, which could once again come down to small vote margins in key battleground states.

In a triumphant post on X (formerly Twitter), Oliver announced his official nomination as the presidential candidate, urging for unity and progress in the name of liberty. Despite Trump's appearance at the convention on Saturday, where his speech was met with boos from many attendees, he did not receive the endorsement he sought. However, his Republican allies commended him for facing an unfriendly crowd.

On the other hand, Kennedy received a warmer reception during his speech on Friday, where he criticized both Trump and Biden for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. His support for the Libertarians and a potential endorsement could have aided in his efforts to secure ballot access in all 50 states, a crucial step in qualifying for the first presidential debate in June hosted by CNN.

The Libertarian Party advocates for small government and individual freedoms, with a diverse range of policy positions that can be viewed as liberal, conservative, or neutral. Oliver, an activist from Atlanta who previously ran for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House in Georgia, has outlined his campaign priorities on his website. These include significant cuts to the federal budget to achieve balance, the abolition of the death penalty, and the closure of all overseas military bases, along with ending military support to Israel and Ukraine.

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