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Monaco Grand Prix: Toto Wolff admits Mercedes got wrong Lewis Hamilton out-lap call

Mercedes admits fault in Monaco Grand Prix miscommunication with Lewis Hamilton, as Charles Leclerc secures victory in home race.

The Monaco Grand Prix provided a thrilling race as Charles Leclerc secured victory in front of his home crowd. However, the spotlight also fell on Mercedes and their decision-making during the race.

Toto Wolff, the team principal of Mercedes, admitted that they made a mistake by not instructing Lewis Hamilton to push harder on his out-lap in an attempt to undercut Max Verstappen. Hamilton pitted from seventh place on lap 51 to switch to hard tires, with Verstappen following suit on the next lap. However, Hamilton was frustrated that he was not given the right instructions to potentially pass Verstappen.

Wolff acknowledged the miscommunication within the team and accepted responsibility for the error. He explained that there was a debate over whether pushing too hard on the out-lap would affect the tire's performance later in the race. Ultimately, the message given to Hamilton was confusing and incorrect.

Despite the confusion, both Hamilton and his teammate George Russell finished the race in the same positions they qualified in. This result marked a positive weekend for Mercedes, even though Hamilton had expressed some concerns following qualifying.

Hamilton, who is set to join Ferrari at the end of the 2024 season, had doubts about his ability to out-qualify Russell throughout the year. Wolff emphasized that Mercedes is not favoring one driver over the other and is focused on maximizing results in Hamilton's final season with the team.

Wolff reassured that Mercedes is committed to providing both drivers with the best possible support and resources. He acknowledged the tension that can arise between teammates in competitive environments but emphasized the team's dedication to fairness and transparency.

In conclusion, the Monaco Grand Prix showcased not only thrilling on-track action but also the complexities of team dynamics and decision-making in Formula 1. Mercedes' miscommunication highlighted the challenges of managing multiple drivers and the importance of clear communication in high-pressure situations.

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