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Tornado Watch St. Louis 11 p.m. Sunday night

Tornado Watch in St. Louis until 11 p.m. Sunday. Stay safe with tornado safety plan and alerts on mobile devices. #StLouisWeather

A Tornado Watch is in effect until 11 p.m. Sunday night for St. Louis and surrounding areas, indicating an increased risk of tornadoes and severe thunderstorms. It is crucial to review your tornado safety plan in case a Tornado Warning is issued, which signals the detection of a tornado on radar or visually. Be prepared to receive a Wireless Emergency Alert on your mobile device if a Tornado Warning is issued.

Ensure your phone is charged and volume up to receive alerts. Seek shelter in a basement if possible during a Tornado Warning, or go to an interior room on the lowest floor with as many walls between you and the outside as possible. Stay away from windows and have blankets and a flashlight on hand.

The Storm Prediction Center has highlighted the potential for particularly dangerous storms, including large and violent tornadoes with significant hail. In extreme cases, a Tornado Emergency may be issued, indicating a confirmed violent tornado with catastrophic damage. Even without a tornado, severe thunderstorms can bring damaging winds and large hail, prompting Severe Thunderstorm Warnings.

Stay indoors during severe weather and remain in your safe space until the Warning expires. The threat will diminish for St. Louis around 8 p.m. Sunday as storms move away from the area. Stay informed and prepared for changing weather conditions by subscribing to weather alerts and podcasts.

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