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Melissa Schuman Reveals Nick Carter Sexual Assault in Fallen Idols

Melissa Schuman shares harrowing details of alleged rape by Nick Carter in new docuseries, facing backlash and legal battles.

Seven years have passed since Melissa Schuman bravely came forward with her accusation against Backstreet Boys singer Nick Carter in a blog post titled, "Don't worry, I won't tell anybody." Despite the time that has passed, she continues to feel the impact of sharing her story with the world.

In the new docuseries Fallen Idols: Nick and Aaron Carter, which premiered its first episode on Monday night, Schuman shared the heartbreaking details of the night she alleges she was raped by the then-pop superstar.

Schuman revealed that she was initially motivated to speak out after reading a Radar Online story about Carter's alleged assault of a fan, which mirrored her own experience that had haunted her for years.

In the premiere episode, Schuman not only recounted the painful events of that night but also physically revisited the locations where she and Carter had been before the alleged assault, bringing her to tears.

According to Schuman, she first learned of Carter's interest in her through her band's label representatives, who saw it as good publicity for her to be linked to a major artist at the time, despite her existing relationship. Their first meeting was awkward, but they were reintroduced while working on a film together. It was during a night off set for that film when Schuman claims the assault occurred.

Despite repeatedly telling Carter she did not want to have sex and was saving herself for marriage, Schuman alleges he ignored her wishes and assaulted her. She confided in a friend's mother and father about the incident but did not go to the police due to career concerns.

After the assault, Schuman had to continue working alongside Carter, learning to mask her true feelings. She eventually changed her number to avoid him but was later pressured into recording a duet with him by her manager, which made her uncomfortable.

Schuman's decision to speak out was prompted by the Me Too movement and the sight of a Radar report. She wrote about her experience with the support of her husband, leading to legal action against Carter for sexual battery.

Throughout the episode, disclaimers were made, including Carter's claim that the encounter was consensual and the dispute of Schuman's account by her former manager and others. The docuseries promises more revelations in upcoming episodes, offering a deeper look into this complex and troubling situation.

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