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NFL Kicker Brandon McManus Accused Sexual Assault Two Women Jaguars Flight London

Female flight attendants sue former Jaguars kicker Brandon McManus for sexual assault on London flight, seeking over $1 million in damages.

Two female flight attendants who were on the Jaguars flight to London in late September last year have filed a lawsuit against former Jacksonville Jaguars kicker Brandon McManus, alleging sexual assault.

The two attendants were working on the September 28 Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings flight to London when they claim McManus, who now plays for the Commanders, made inappropriate advances towards them. When one of the women confronted him, they allege that McManus smirked and walked away.

In their legal complaint, the women state that they experienced significant mental anguish, anxiety, and emotional distress as a result of the incident. They are seeking damages exceeding $1 million.

As of now, neither the Jaguars nor McManus have publicly addressed the allegations. However, the Washington Commanders released a statement acknowledging the lawsuit and stating that they are taking the matter seriously.

The lawsuit accuses the Jaguars of failing to properly supervise McManus, leading to an unsafe environment for the flight attendants.

According to reports, the flight to London took a turn into a party atmosphere, with McManus allegedly encouraging inappropriate behavior from other flight attendants by offering them money to drink and dance provocatively.

One of the accusers claims that McManus attempted to kiss her while she was seated, while the other alleges that she was assaulted by McManus while serving dinner.

McManus, who is entering his 11th season in the NFL and his first with the Commanders, has not publicly commented on the allegations. The Commanders have stated that they are investigating the matter and will refrain from further comment until more information is available.

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