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Ken Burns rare Trump warning sparks MAGA outrage

Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns sparks outrage by warning against a second Trump term during commencement speech, dividing opinions among viewers.

Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns delivered a commencement speech at Brandeis University's 73rd Commencement ceremony, sparking controversy with his rare warning about former President Donald Trump and the upcoming 2024 election.

In his speech, Burns, known for his historical documentaries, broke his usual neutrality to caution against a second term for Trump, calling the choice in the upcoming election a crucial moment in American history. He did not directly name Trump but referred to the presumptive Republican nominee as the "opioid of all opioids," warning against being seduced by false solutions to complex problems.

While some, like former U.S. Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Jeff Clark and former Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones, criticized Burns for injecting politics into a graduation ceremony, others praised him for speaking out and providing a clear message about the stakes of the election.

Despite the backlash, Burns' speech resonated with many who appreciated his candor and willingness to address the political climate in America. His warning about the consequences of a second Trump term and the importance of the upcoming election struck a chord with those who believe in the need for informed and engaged citizens in shaping the future of the country.

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