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Kilwinning Rangers skipper ends 16-year tenure at club

Kilwinning Rangers captain Ben Lewis leaves after 16 years, new signing Cammy Kerr excited for challenge ahead. Rangers boss wishes Lewis well.

Kilwinning Rangers captain Ben Lewis has decided to turn down a new contract at the club, bringing an end to his impressive 16-year tenure at Buffs Park. Throughout his time with the team, the 32-year-old made over 500 appearances in the iconic blue and white hoops, leaving a lasting legacy.

Rangers manager Chris Aitken expressed his surprise at Lewis' departure but conveyed his best wishes for the player's future endeavors. In a heartfelt statement on the club's website, Aitken described Lewis as the epitome of professionalism and a valued member of the team. He acknowledged the captain's significant contribution to the club and wished him all the best in his next chapter.

Despite Lewis' departure, the club has welcomed its first signing of the offseason, with midfielder Cammy Kerr joining from Renfrew. The 24-year-old showcased his talent with a memorable brace in a previous encounter between the two clubs. Kerr expressed his excitement about joining a club of Kilwinning's caliber and looks forward to the challenges ahead, aiming to make a positive impact on the team's upcoming season.

In the midst of these changes, Kilwinning Rangers continue to make headlines, with developments such as Ayr Station Hotel owner Sunny Ung's decision to halt demolition work and the unveiling of plans for a new store at the former Kilmarnock Aulds the Bakers site. Additionally, Lidl has revealed new store locations in Ayrshire as part of their expansion plans, further enhancing the region's retail landscape.

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