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Mayor Elicker Louis Lunch National Hamburger Day

Louis' Lunch in New Haven, birthplace of the hamburger, remains a classic spot for burger lovers in Connecticut since 1985.

Louis' Lunch in New Haven proudly proclaims itself as the birthplace of the hamburger, solidifying its status as one of the oldest family-run establishments in Connecticut. Since its inception in 1985, this iconic restaurant on Crown Street has been a go-to destination for those craving a classic, no-frills burger experience.

The atmosphere at Louis' Lunch is timeless, drawing in patrons like Daniella Screnci of Monroe who appreciate the consistency and quality of the food. The restaurant's reputation as a purveyor of exceptional burgers was officially recognized by the Library of Congress 24 years ago, further cementing its place in culinary history.

On a serendipitous National Burger Day, New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker and the state comptroller found themselves enjoying a meal at Louis' Lunch. This chance encounter only added to the allure of this legendary establishment, which has been serving up mouthwatering burgers since Jeff Lassen's great grandfather first introduced the concept in 1895.

The tradition of grilling burgers on original cast iron grills and serving them on white toast has remained unchanged over the years. Louis' Lunch stays true to its roots by only offering burgers topped with cheese, onions, and tomato, a simple yet delicious combination that has stood the test of time.

While Louis' Lunch may claim the title of the first hamburger joint in Connecticut, it is certainly not the only beloved destination for burger enthusiasts in the state. Ted's Steamed Cheeseburgers in Meriden, Shady Glen in Manchester, and Harry's Place in Colchester are just a few examples of other popular spots that cater to burger lovers.

In fact, Harry's Place recently emerged victorious in Channel 3's "Best Burger Bracket," drawing in new fans and further solidifying Connecticut's love affair with burgers. The sense of community and loyalty among customers at these establishments is palpable, with employees like Samantha Kinsey at Harry's Place cherishing the relationships built with regular patrons.

With an array of burger joints to choose from, it's clear that Connecticut has a deep appreciation for this quintessential American dish. Whether you prefer the classic simplicity of Louis' Lunch or the innovative twists offered by other establishments, one thing is certain - the love for burgers runs deep in the Nutmeg State.

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