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Moana 2 teaser: Dwayne The Rock Johnson returns as demigod Maui

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson returns as Maui in Moana 2 teaser, as Moana embarks on an epic voyage across seas.

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson makes a triumphant return as the demigod Maui in the highly anticipated teaser for Moana 2. Auli'i Cravalho also reprises her role as the fearless title character, setting sail on a daring adventure across the vast ocean in response to a mystical call from her ancestors.

Moana's determination to unite her people and explore new horizons leads her to encounter a series of thrilling escapades, accompanied by her loyal companions Hei Hei The Rooster and Pua the pot-belly pig. However, it is Maui's unexpected appearance on her boat that truly surprises Moana, as the shape-shifting trickster joins her on her journey.

The teaser showcases stunning visuals of Moana's traditional Polynesian boat gliding through the water, interrupted by the sudden appearance of a playful shark that transforms into Maui. The demigod, resembling The Rock with his muscular physique and intricate tattoos, adds a touch of humor to the scene by teasing Moana's animal companions.

Moana's connection to her ancestors is highlighted as she receives signs and premonitions, culminating in a powerful moment of realization during a gathering on Motunui. Determined to follow in the footsteps of her wayfinding ancestors, Moana embarks on a quest to decipher their messages and embrace her heritage.

With its captivating storyline, vibrant animation, and engaging characters, Moana 2 promises to be a thrilling continuation of the beloved original film. Fans can look forward to reuniting with Moana, Maui, and their friends in an epic adventure that celebrates courage, friendship, and the power of ancestral wisdom.

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