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Nikki Haley signs IDF bomb during visit to Israel Finish them

Nikki Haley leaves message of support for Israeli Defense Forces amid escalating tensions, vows US commitment to Jewish State.

During a recent visit to the Israel-Gaza border, former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley left a message of support for the Israeli Defense Forces on a rocket shell. The message, "Finish them! America [loves] Israel always," was inscribed on a 155 mm high explosive projectile by Haley, who is a former United Nations ambassador and South Carolina governor.

The image of Haley signing the munition was shared on social media by Likud member of the Knesset, Danny Danon, who accompanied Haley on her trip. Stand for America PAC, the political action committee that supported Haley's 2024 presidential campaign, noted that the rocket shell was intended for Hamas.

Haley, who met with Israeli citizens impacted by a recent terror attack by Hamas during her Memorial Day weekend visit, expressed her commitment to supporting the Jewish State. She shared the story of Tali Biner, a nurse in her 20s who survived the Hamas massacre at the Nova music festival. Biner, like many others, faced unimaginable horrors at the hands of Hamas during the attack.

As Israel faces mounting international pressure amidst a planned invasion of Rafah, one of the last remaining Hamas strongholds in Gaza, Haley's message of support for the Israeli military is significant. The recent airstrike in Rafah resulted in civilian casualties, prompting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to acknowledge the tragic mistake and launch an investigation into the incident.

Despite dropping out of the GOP primary race earlier this year, Haley remains a prominent figure in Republican politics. She recently announced her intention to vote for former President Donald Trump and Trump reciprocated by expressing his belief that Haley will continue to be a valuable member of their team in some capacity.

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