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Starlink licensed Botswana TechCentral

Botswana grants SpaceX's Starlink licence after threat of restriction. African nations embrace service. Farmers and remote areas set to benefit.

Botswana has recently granted a license to SpaceX's Starlink unit, joining other African nations in allowing the internet services company to operate within its borders. President Mokgweetsi Masisi revealed that regulators were asked to expedite the approval process after meeting with Starlink executives in Dallas.

"I gave them two weeks to fast-track this, and they have already been given a license," Masisi stated.

Starlink has faced pressure to cease operations in countries where it lacks a license following a Bloomberg News investigation in March. The company, which serves over 2.6 million customers worldwide, uses a network of approximately 5,500 satellites to deliver broadband internet services.

Zimbabwe also recently announced that it granted Starlink an operating license. The services provided by Starlink are expected to benefit farmers and individuals in remote areas where traditional fixed broadband is not accessible.

While the Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority declined to comment, some internet users and service providers in the country have already been utilizing Starlink's services through roaming kits, despite the lack of an official license.

Overall, the approval of Starlink's operations in Botswana signifies a step towards bridging the digital divide and providing internet access to underserved communities. With the imminent availability of Starlink services in the country, more individuals will have the opportunity to connect and access online resources.

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