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ANC leads seven provinces, 50% voter registration completed nationally - SABC News

ANC leads in 7 provinces, DA holds Western Cape, uMkhonto weSizwe leads in KwaZulu-Natal. Spoilt ballots on the rise. Missing ballot box found.

With nearly half of the voting districts across the country reporting in, the African National Congress (ANC) is currently in the lead in seven provinces. The Democratic Alliance (DA) appears to have a strong grip on the Western Cape, holding 52.4% of the votes with 56% of the districts reporting. The uMkhonto weSizwe Party is leading in KwaZulu-Natal with 45.4% of the votes and 28% of the districts reporting.

In Gauteng, the ruling party has secured 35% of the votes with 32% of the districts reporting. In Limpopo, the ANC is leading with 72% of the votes and 28% of the districts reporting. However, the number of spoilt votes is on the rise as more votes are being counted.

Currently, with 48% of the districts reporting, there are over 86,500 spoilt ballots. These ballots are considered invalid as it may not be clear what the voter's intention was if the ballot is marked incorrectly. The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has issued an appeal for citizens in Ward 14 uMhlathuze in KwaZulu-Natal to be on the lookout for a missing IEC-branded ballot box that was lost in transit from a voting station.

During a media briefing at the National Results Operation Centre, the IEC announced that the ballots in the missing box have been counted, reconciled, and validated. Anyone found in possession of these ballots will face criminal prosecution. IEC General Manager Granville Abrahams emphasized the importance of locating the missing ballot box, as ballots must be retained for six months before disposal. The box was reportedly transferred on an open vehicle and went missing before reaching its destination. Despite this setback, the votes have been accounted for and recorded in the results.

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